confinement-nanny-new-bornMost confinement nannies and experts will agree that breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. Breastfeeding provides your baby with the most perfect form of nutrition and gives important skin to skin contact. If you are pregnant and you plan to breastfeed, you can take some important steps now to prepare before the confinement nanny arrival. You should give advance notice to let the confinement lady knows that you are going to breastfeed. First, attend a class on breastfeeding. Many hospitals offer breastfeeding classes as part of birth preparation. These classes are a great introduction to nursing and highly recommended that both parents attend. Two set of eyes and ears are always better than one. Talk with other women you know who have breastfed, read books and visit websites to accumulate a wealth of information and support before your baby arrives. During your last trimester of your pregnancy, get fitted for a nursing bra. Check with your hospital or obstetrician for stores that specialize in nursing apparel and equipment.



mummy-breastfeed-babyBefore the big day, make sure that your obstetrician and the hospital know that you are planning to breastfeed. This will insure that the staff will not feed your baby, but will instead present her to you for the first feeding. When put to the breast, some babies know just what to do, while others need some help. Do not be discouraged! Remember, both you and your baby are learning a new skill. During the first few days after your baby is born, you will produce colostrum. Colostrum is high in carbohydrates, antibodies and protein, which goes a long way to growing a healthy baby. Unlike some infant formulas, colostrum is easy to digest for your new baby. As if that was not enough, colostrum acts as a laxative, aiding your baby to pass her first stools. Your milk should start to come in on the third or the fourth day after our baby’s birth. At this point, your milk will increase in volume and will be thinner and lighter in color than the colostrum.

Because your breasts don’t come with little ounce markers like bottles, many new mothers worry that their  baby may not be getting enough to eat. The experts offer these important indicators that your baby is getting enough milk:

  1. Your baby nurses at least 8-12 times in a 24 hour period.
  2. Your baby is gaining weight (usually between 4 and 7 ounces per week)
  3. She is having at least 5-6 wet diapers per day.
  4. Your baby is alert, active and has good color.

mummy-no-breastfeedingMake sure that both you and your pediatrician are using growth and height charts specifically for babies that are breastfed. Breastfed babies tend to gain weight at a slower rate than bottle fed babies and this difference is reflected in the breastfed baby growth chart. If you have any reservations or concerns about whether your baby is getting enough to eat, talk to your pediatrician.

If you have a cesarean delivery, you can still breastfeed following delivery. Due to anesthesia and tenderness in your abdomen, you may need some assistance holding your baby right away. Don’t let this stop you. Ask your husband or a nurse for some help holding the baby and getting her to latch onto your breast. Most of the painkillers and medications used during and after a cesarean section are not harmful to baby, but may make baby a little sleepier at first. The traditional cradle hold may be difficult because of your incision site. Instead, try a football hold (where the baby’s body lies beside you instead of on you).

Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing for both you and your baby and the confinement nannies will strongly encourage you to try it. However, if you choose not to breastfeed or cannot breastfeed for medical reasons, be confident in your decision and let the confinement nanny know. If you are looking for confinement lady from malaysia, you can apply for her confinement nanny work permit either by yourself or through confinement nanny agency.