When is the best time to start weaning? Well, there really isn’t any right or wrong answer. Breastfeeding until your baby is 1 is recommended. Breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients for your baby and boosts your baby’s immune system. Most find the easiest time to start weaning is when the process is initiated by your baby.
Weaning often begins naturally at 6 months which is when solid foods are typically introduced. There are children who gradually start at around age 2 as well, after they have begun eating a wide variety of solid foods. Other children may begin weaning only until their toddler years, when they unable to sit still during breastfeeding.
You might consider delaying weaning if your child isn’t feeling well or is teething. He or she will be more likely to handle the transition well if you are both in good health. You may also consider postponing weaning if a major change has occurred at home such as moving to a new home or the addition of a new family member. You don’t want to add more stress of what may already be a stressful time for your child.
Some research also suggests that exclusive breastfeeding for at least four months may have a protective effect for children who have a family history of food allergies. If food allergies run in your family, talk to your child’s doctor about the potential benefits of delaying weaning.