Babysitter Singapore Tips – Why Do Baby Cry?

Babies usually cry because they need something. Babysitters will normally find out if the crying is due to hungry, wet, or wanting attention. However, at times, babies cry simply to soothe themselves. Sometimes a baby becomes over-stimulated by the...

Nanny Tips With Baby Diapers

All baby diapers are not created equally. There are many choices available when choosing diapers. Most nannies will recommend parents to try several brands and find one that you like. Based on experience of the nanny, most diapers work fairly well. Nanny...

Confinement Nanny Singapore SOS For Colic

A baby with colic is one who is healthy and gaining weight, but cries for more than three hours a day for no discernible reason. Don’t blame confinement nanny for not able to take care of baby if this happen. There is not yet a complete understanding of...

Confinement Nanny Singapore Handling Baby Tips

Confinement nanny knows many new parents are concerned about how much they should respond to new baby’s cries and needs without spoiling him. The wonderful truth they share is that parents cannot spoil your baby by being over-attentive in the first six...