by nannysos | 25/10/2016 | Babysitting, Confinement Food, Tips
Babies need to learn to use their jaws and teeth to break down foods and swallow the food safely. When you introduce solids to your baby at six months, she does not yet have control of her mouth and jaws, so she cannot chew effectively. Nanny advises that although it...
by nannysos | 25/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
The outfits for newborn babies are so cute! But save your money until your baby is at least two months old. Your newborn will spend most of her time in onesies and pajamas. Newborn babies sleep, eat, spit-up and dirty diapers frequently. These messy activities call...
by nannysos | 25/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
Quality sleep is very important for your baby’s development and disposition. This why nanny love to see baby sleep. Newborns typically sleep between 16 and 20 hours a day, broken up into eight or nine naps. For the first month, your baby will typically eat, stay...
by nannysos | 24/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
If you bottle feed, your doctor or hospital staff member may tell you to burp your baby after every one-half to one ounce during the first few weeks. Once your baby’s digestive system matures at about four weeks, you can burp him less often. Most nanny found...
by nannysos | 24/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
Most babies will endure diaper rash several times in their first year as experienced by most babysitters. Yet here is good news: diaper rashes are avoidable and easily treated. Diaper rash, more common in babies who wear cloth diapers, is caused by moisture in contact...