by nannysos | 27/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
Infants tire and sleep differently than adults. As adults, the more tired we become, the more we want to sleep. However, baby’s sleep habits don’t work the same way. Instead, as a baby becomes more tired, it often becomes more difficult for her to fall...
by nannysos | 27/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
Many parents rush their babies into eating solid foods because they mistakenly believe that this will help their little ones sleep through the night sooner or sleep longer at night. Studies consistently show that eating solid foods does not improve an infant’s...
by nannysos | 27/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
One of the best early developmental toys you should purchase is a mobile to hang above your baby’s crib. At is what the babysitter did. At birth, your baby is drawn to bold contours because his sight is not very acute. Research reveals that most babies can see...
by nannysos | 27/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
Teaching your baby from the very beginning to sleep in the same conditions that she will encounter as she gets older is important. If you keep it very quiet every time the baby sleeps during babysitting, the baby will become conditioned to a very quiet sleep...
by nannysos | 27/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
Keep your marriage and partner a top priority during your baby’s first year of life. For new parents this can be difficult without babysitters or nannies. It is easy to become so caught up in taking care of the new baby that you don’t spend time keeping...