Baby Solid Foods Tips

The introduction of solid food into your baby’s diet is an important milestone and can be fun. Watching your baby open her mouth and take food on a spoon makes her look like she is growing up! To make this transition easier, babysitter suggest starting with one...

When To Call Your Pediatrician

The typical infant will be sick between three and nine times in his first year. Many of these illnesses will occur from a cold virus and won’t require any attention from your pediatrician. Low grade fevers or those less than 38 °C, you should call your...

Music For Your Baby

Babies love music. Some research shows that listening to music may help develop spatial, mathematical and higher reasoning skills. Although some recent studies call into question this so-called “Mozart Effect”, several studies call into question that...

How Baby Talk Early Tips

Every parent looks forward to the first time his or her baby utters “Mama” or “Dada”. So it is natural for parents to wonder about the best way to help their baby develop verbal skills. Research shows that the most effective means of helping...

Let Your Baby Cry Himself To Sleep

For most babies a little crying prior to falling asleep is perfectly normal. Some babies will start to cry or fuss when they become tired, indicating their need for sleep. If your baby is on a schedule and it is close to his normal nap or bed time, then your...