by nannysos | 31/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
During the first year, there are a number of foods babysitter advise that your baby should not eat. Foods to avoid include: Cow’s milk (including ice cream, yogurt, cheese, and any product that uses cow’s milk) Peanuts and any products containing peanuts...
by nannysos | 31/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
Teaching your baby good manners, particularly while eating, can start quite early. There is no doubt that when your baby starts to eat solid food, she will make a mess. However, that doesn’t mean that you should accept bad behaviors when your baby is eating. If...
by nannysos | 31/10/2016 | Tips
Once your baby becomes capable of eating, she will eat most baby foods with little hesitation. However, some babies are more finicky than others. Finickiness increases as you introduce more and varied solid foods. Fortunately there is an effective method to help your...
by nannysos | 29/10/2016 | Tips
Experts offer the following six tips to encourage your baby’s development: Be encouraging. Let your baby explore new places, people, and things. Exposing your baby to new experiences and being excited with her as she learns new things will encourage growth. Be...
by nannysos | 29/10/2016 | Babysitting, Tips
Once your baby is sleeping through the night, a middle of the night wake up call from your baby can be challenging for even the most patient parent. A baby who is usually a solid sleeper will have times when she wakens and won’t go back to sleep. The key to...