Stay In Nanny Singapore

Stay In Nanny Singapore

Stay in nanny or live in nanny in Singapore usually referred to the service of Malaysian confinement nanny who helps to take care of new born baby and mummy for 14 days to a maximum period of 16 weeks. Local nannies usually are stay out nanny or live out nanny who...

Post Natal Massage After C Section

The importance of post natal massage after C Section cannot be overstated. However, any post natal reconditioning activities such as massage after C Section should be delayed until full recovery as caesarian delivery is a major abdominal surgery. Although post natal...

Pregnancy Massage Contraindications

Studies have shown that pregnancy massage therapies help pregnant ladies to improve their stress conditions, promote better sleep, reduce leg and back pain. However, there are also a number of pregnancy massage contraindications that should be considered first before...

What is a Confinement Nanny

What is a confinement nanny? What does confinement lady do? Should you engage freelance confinement nanny or from professional confinement agencies? While you might have heard of a confinement nanny, you may not be entirely sure of what they do. You probably think if...