Huai Shan (淮山) or Chinese Yam is a commonly used TCM herb as confinement food ingredient. Huai Shan is widely used as herbal remedies as well as vegetables. The confinement herb helps to replenish Qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish lungs and kidneys,...
White Dahlia Root (白芍) or Bai Shao has the function of nourishing blood, balancing hyperactivity of liver to relieve the pain. Bai Shao is used as ingredient for confinement food, has a bitter taste, slightly sour and slightly cooling in nature. It provides health...
Hoelen (Fu Ling) is one of the commonly used soup ingredients for confinement. The TCM herb improves digestion, transform phlegm, influences the heart, spleen and lung...
Saffron is warm in nature and is effective in promoting blood circulation and normal menstruation. The herb is used to treat menstrual block, menstrual pain, blood clot, swelling and pain in joints. A commonly used soup ingredient for...
Chinese Motherwort (益母草) or Yi Mu Cao is effective in promoting blood flow to regulate menstrual and prevents blood stasis. The confinement herbal helps to treat other gynecological diseases such as menstrual pain, menopausal syndromes, inhibited menstruation,...