Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby

Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby

Breastfeeding is highly encouraged because it has so many known health benefits due to breast milk. The longer mothers breastfeed, the greater that the baby will experience the benefits of breastfeeding, and the more likely they are to last. Breastfeeding benefits for...
Confinement Practices

Confinement Practices

Confinement practices that is still practised frequently to this day is postpartum confinement or commonly known as Zuo Yue Zi. This Chinese confinement practice originate from ancient China as childbirth was dangerous back then. Certain precautions were taken to help...
What to Eat During Confinement Period

What to Eat During Confinement Period

What to eat during confinement period is a frequently asked questions among mothers. Can you eat bread or egg during confinement? What is the recommended list of confinement food after childbirth? Are these confinement practices necessary or are they myths? Yes there...
Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding

Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding

Some women know right from the start whether they want breastfeeding or formula feeding, while others struggle. They will want to weigh the advantages and disadvantages for breastfeeding vs formula feeding before deciding. Most child health organizations advocate...
Jaundice In Newborn Baby

Jaundice In Newborn Baby

Jaundice is a yellow tinge to the skin and eyes of baby which is one of the newborn issues you may experience after childbirth or during your confinement period. More than half of all newborn babies develop jaundice. The signs for jaundice generally develop after the...