Confinement Nanny Review Recommendation for Kelly: Dear Kelly Jie! You are the ‘salted egg yolk’ to my heart like it is to a good ba zhang. The moment of us watching the sunset (which is salted egg yolk) together in our kitchen is very memorable. The positivity and...
Confinement Nanny Review Recommendation for Yiew Lan: Auntie Yiew Lan is very patient in taking care of my baby. She not only cooks well and she also help out in the basic household chores so that my wife can have ample rest. Juztin is also very responsive to our...
Confinement Nanny Review for Agnes: Many thanks to Aunty Agnes. She ia a very responsible and easy going confinement nanny. Aunty cooked very nutritious and tasty food for all my 3 meals. I love her cooking which is not too oily and salty. Aunty also took good care of...
Confinement Nanny Review Recommendation For Lee Lian: I chance upon nannysos as Other agencies already fully booked. Juztin is very prompt in email and follow up with my enquiry. Keeping me update and remind me for the application. As my baby is born earlier than...
Confinement Nanny Review Testimonial for Zhen Jie: Juztin has been very prompt in responding to our queries. The assignment of the confinement nanny also went without a hitch even when baby arrived slightly pre-term. We are also very grateful to Zhen Jie for her hard...