Milestones in Intellectual Development
15 to 18 months:
- Points to familiar objects when looking at books.
- Says six to 20 words, especially ‘No’
- Understands simple questions and instructions, such as ‘Where are your pyjamas?’ or ‘Give me your toy’.
- May know two or three body parts
- Imitates your gestures
- Repeats own name
Two Years:
- Uses 50 or more words and may be putting two or three words together.
- Understands longer instructions, such as ‘Put the cup on the table’.
- Understands simple short stories and conversations.
- Uses pronouns such as ‘me’, ‘you’ and ‘I’. Begins to ask questions.
Three Years:
- Knows two or three colors and some shapes.
- Carries on a simple conversation and talks and seems to be continually asking questions, such as “Where”, “What”, and “Why”?
- Now understands more complex instructions, such as “Please go to your bedroom and fetch your pyjamas”.
- May be able to count up to 10.
- Will start understanding concepts such as “today” and “tomorrow”.
- Can remember some nursery rhymes.
Milestones in Locomotive Development
15 to 18 months:
- Walks alone.
- Kneels and crawls upstairs on all fours
- Walks upstairs by holding on to the rail and putting both feet on each step.
- Squats down or bends over to pick up a toy without falling.
- Climbs furniture.
- Waves goodbye.
Two Years:
- Runs
- Walks backwards.
- Kicks a ball without falling over.
- Walks on tiptoe.
- Walks up and down steps with two feet per stair.
Three Years:
- Can stand on one leg and hop.
- Walks upstairs with one foot to each stair.
- May jump from bottom step.
- Can jump with two feet.
- Rides a tricycle with two feet on the pedals.
- Dances to music.
Milestones in Manipulative Development
15 to 18 months:
- Can build a tower of three bricks.
- Has started to scribble.
- Can put a cup to his mouth without spilling.
- Feeds himself with a spoon, without losing too much food.
- Takes off his socks.
- Can do simple puzzles.
Two Years:
- Can turn door handles.
- Turns the pages of a book properly.
- Can put on gloves, shoes and socks.
- Threads beads, feathers, buttons and a zip.
- Can unscrew lids from jars.
Three Years:
- Begins to dress and undress with help.
- Can build a tower of nine bricks.
- Draws circles and copies a cross if shown.
- Eats with a fork and spoon.
- Holds pen properly.
- Can pick up small objects.
- Using both hands, he can pour water from a jug into a cup without too much spillage.